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CPAC Testimony on S. B. 1069

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Relating to the Hawaii Community Development Authority 




Aloha Honorable Representatives: 

The Kaka�ako Makai Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC) fully supports Senate 
Bill 1069, SD1, which requires the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) to 
collaborate with and consider the recommendations of the CPAC working group of interested 
stakeholders in developing, accepting, and implementing plans for the development of 
Kakaako makai. The CPAC was established in 2007 in accordance with the intent of 
HCR30, 2006, which states in part: 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Hawaii Community 
Development Authority immediately convene a working 
group of interested stakeholders, particularly the groups 
and individuals that have surfaced in this controversy, to 
meaningfully participate in the development, acceptance, 
and implementation of any future plans for the 
development of Kakaako Makai 

The HCDA commendably took heed of this advice and in April 2007 over sixty (60) diverse 
organizations, community leaders, recreation stakeholders and interested others convened 
to form an advisory group in the public interest. Surfers and fine arts advocates, park users 
and excursion boat business owners, environmentalists and land developers, architects and 
marine biologists, and many others came together over the ensuing months to learn about 
and discuss the features and failures of Kaka�ako Makai. 

The CPAC was established to represent the larger community and has worked to build a 
functional and informed working entity, has educated its participants about the history of the 
area, and has benefited from numerous stakeholder and agency presentations. The CPAC.s 
�Vision and Guiding Principles for Kaka�ako Makai,� adopted by consensus, sets Kaka�ako 
Makai apart as the Community Gathering Place with shoreline recreational, cultural and 
educational public uses. As stated in the CPAC.s �Meaningful Participation Position 
Statement and Action Plan,� the CPAC is �committed to the long-term need to be present, 
responsive and reliable as an effective consulting participant working productively in 
partnership together with the larger community, the HCDA and its planning consultants, and 
other State agencies in this significant community-based planning effort.� 

The CPAC believes that the purpose and functions of the CPAC need to be reinforced by 
acknowledgement of advisory standing in the HCDA statute, both for the present and for the 
future. Such statutory standing relating to a citizens advisory group is not without precedent. 



Chapter 6E-32, HRS, stipulates that �The Diamond Head State Monument Plan, adopted by 
the board of land and natural resources in November of 1979, shall serve as the official 
document setting forth the future direction of the Diamond Head State Monument. The 
board of land and natural resources may amend the monument plan from time to time with 
the review and recommendations of the Diamond Head citizen advisory committee, 
organized in October of 1977.� 

Further, certain bills are currently moving through the State Legislature to repeal the HCDA.s 
governing statute, Chapter 206E, and to transfer the HCDA.s functions for Kaka �ako Makai 
in whole or in part to DLNR or OHA. In view of these bills, it is urged that Senate Bill 1069 be 
amended to ensure that the advisory functions of the CPAC would be included with any such 
transfers, e.g.: 

"�206E- The Kakaako makai community planning advisory council and its purpose and 
functions shall be made part of any transfer of Kakaako makai lands to any state or county 
department or agency. 

Concluding with full support for Senate Bill 1069 as legislation that will benefit the objectives 
of HCR 30 and the goals of the larger community, we respectfully request that the House 
Committee on Water. Land and Ocean Resources advance Senate Bill 1069 with the above 
suggested amendment to ensure that the CPAC can continue with its intended purpose in 
the greater public interest.