2008 State Legislature Funds Safety Improvements in Kalaeloa
The 2008 State Legislature appropriated
$850,000 for safety improvements in the Kalaeloa District. The
funds, part of the Capital Improvement Projects budget approved by
State lawmakers, will allow the Hawaii Community Development Authority
(HCDA) to continue its efforts to plan, design and construct badly
needed life safety infrastructure in Kalaeloa. The appropriation
will be used for projects to construct or install traffic signals,
roadway markings and signage, emergency call boxes and lighting
fixtures. Since becoming open to the public, roadways, parks,
beach areas, and other publicly accessible areas in Kalaeloa have
fallen into disrepair resulting in vandalism, arson and motor vehicle
accidents. The improvements are necessary to respond to the need
for maintenance and public safety especially since use of the area is
HCDA members on September 5, 2007
approved the expenditure of $250,000 of Kalaeloa Capital Improvement
Project funds to design and construct the first phase of life safety
improvement projects in Kalaeloa. These improvements will address
safety conditions that need immediate attention. Appropriations
designated by the 2007 State Legislature are being used to accomplish
projects such as:
- Installing sidewalks to new City subdivision standards
- Improving/installing streetlights on Roosevelt Avenue, Renton Road Extension, and Coral Seas Road
- Installing pavement markers and signs on Coral Seas Road (along s-curve) and on Roosevelt Avenue (along curves along Honouliuli Wastewater Treatment Plant in Kalaeloa)
- Installing vehicle radar speed signs as traffic calming devices in the Roosevelt Avenue “Pride Field” area and on Coral Seas Road (before the S-curve).
These initial projects, now being
designed, are the first group of life safety needs identified for
Kalaeloa by the Kalaeloa Public Safety workgroup that was organized to
focus on public safety issues in the District.