
District-Wide Improvement Program Rules
Kakaako Community Development District
Honolulu, Hawaii
This is the 1999 edition of the Unofficial Compilation of the District-Wide
Improvement Program Rules. The District-Wide Improvement Program
Rules are part of the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Title 15, Department
of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Subtitle 4, Hawaii Community
Development Authority (HCDA), Chapter 19, District-Wide Improvement Program
Rules in the Kakaako Community Development District.
This edition includes amendments as of June 3, 1995. See Index
of Amendments for a description of the amendments. The official District-Wide
Improvement Program Rules and its amendments are on file at the Office
of the Lieutenant Governor and may also be reviewed at the HCDA office.
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 15, Subtitle 4, Chapter 19, effective
as of September 17, 1984, has subsequently been amended by the following:
SUBJECT | | EFFECTIVE DATE | | Connection of Underground Public Utilities, and Various Procedures | | November 1, 1985 | | Surcharge Fee | | February 26, 1988 | | Notice of Public Hearing | | January 29, 1990 | | Refunding of Assessment Area Bonds | | February 22, 1993 | | Financing of Assessments | | June 3, 1995 | |
Subchapter 1 General Provisions (Click here)
§15-19-1 Methods
§15-19-2 to §15-19-10 Reserved
Subchapter 2 Costs (Click here)
§15-19-11 Costs to be borne by the authority
§15-19-12 Costs to be borne by the county
§15-19-13 Costs of water system
§15-19-14 Connection by property owners to underground public utility facilities
§15-19-15 Connection by the authority to underground public utility facilities
§15-19-16 Costs related to refunding assessment area bonds
§15-19-17 to §15-19-20 Reserved
Subchapter 3 Assessment Area Procedure (Click here)
§15-19-21 Initial procedure
§15-19-22 Public hearing
§15-19-23 Determination by the authority
§15-19-24 Construction contract bids and conditional award
§15-19-25 Hearing on final assessment area rules
§15-19-26 Hearing on individual assessments
§15-19-27 Notice of improvement authorized
§15-19-28 Acquisition of land
§15-19-29 Compliance with community development district plan
§15-19-30 Contract, bids, bonds
§15-19-31 Inspection and use of improvements by the county
§15-19-32 Water system, inspection and use of system by county board of water supply
§15-19-33 Reassessment on refunding
§15-19-34 to §15-19-50 Reserved
Subchapter 4 Assessments (Click here)
§15-19-51 Assessments fixed by rule
§15-19-52 Notice and collection of assessments
§15-19-53 Assessments, when payable
§15-19-54 Lien; new assessment
§15-19-55 Payment of installments
§15-19-56 Payment in bonds
§15-19-57 Effect of failure to pay installment interest
§15-19-58 Owner of undivided interest
§15-19-59 Sale in case of default
§15-19-60 Purchase at sale
§15-19-61 Certificate by authority
§15-19-62 Disposition of land bid in by authority at sale for default
§15-19-63 Surcharge fee
§15-19-64 to §15-19-80 Reserved
Subchapter 5 Financing (Click here)
§15-19-81 Assessment area bonds; financing of special assessments from available moneys
§15-19-82 Advances from available funds prior to the issuance of bonds
§15-19-83 Special funds for payment of bonds
§15-19-84 Payment of principal and interest
§15-19-85 Sale and use of bonds
§15-19-86 Payment before maturity
§15-19-87 Payment at maturity
§15-19-88 Bonds not chargeable against general revenues
§15-19-89 County financing
§15-19-90 to §15-19-110 Reserved
Subchapter 6 Limitation On Time To Sue (Click here)
§15-19-111 Limitation on time to sue
§15-19-112 to §15-19-115 Reserved
Subchapter 7 Severability (Click here)
§15-19-116 Severability

� 2000 State of Hawaii - Hawaii Community Development Authority.
All Rights Reserved.

677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 1001, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 587-2870 Fax: (808) 587-8150