
Rules Of Practice And Procedure
Kakaako Community Development District
Honolulu, Hawaii
This is the 1999 edition of the Unofficial Compilation of the Rules
of Practice and Procedures. The Rules of Practice and Procedures
are part of the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Title 15, Department
of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Subtitle 4, Hawaii Community
Development Authority (HCDA), Chapter 16, Rules of Practice and Procedures
in the Kakaako Community Development District.
This edition includes amendments as of October 3, 1994. See Index
of Amendments for a description of the amendments. The official Rules
of Practice and Procedures and its amendments are on file at the Office
of the Lieutenant Governor and may also be reviewed at the HCDA office.
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 15, Subtitle 4, Chapter 16, compiled
as of September 8, 1986, has subsequently been amended by the following:
EFFECTIVE DATE | | Administrative Procedures and Penalties Relating to Violations of Mauka and Makai Area Rules | |
October 3, 1994 | |
Subchapter 1 Rules Of General Applicability (Click here)
§15-16-1 Purpose
§15-16-2 Definitions
§15-16-3 The authority
§15-16-4 Meetings
§15-16-5 Quorum and number of votes necessary for a decision
§15-16-6 Minutes
§15-16-7 Authentication of authority actions
§15-16-8 Submittals and requests
§15-16-9 Removal of persons from meetings
§15-16-10 Delegation of administrative duties
§15-16-11 Duties of executive director
§15-16-12 Public records
§15-16-13 to §15-16-15 (Reserved)
Subchapter 2 Proceedings Before The Authority (Click here)
§15-16-16 General rule
§15-16-17 Appearances before the authority
§15-16-18 Disqualification of authority's members
§15-16-19 Filing of papers
§15-16-20 Amendment of papers and dismissal
§15-16-21 Retention of papers
§15-16-22 Authority decision
§15-16-23 Continuances or extensions of time
§15-16-24 Contested cases
§15-16-25 (Reserved)
Subchapter 3 Rule Making Procedure (Click here)
§15-16-26 Initiation of rule making procedure
§15-16-27 Denial of petition
§15-16-28 Acceptance of petition
§15-16-29 Notice of public hearing
§15-16-30 Authority hearing procedures
§15-16-31 Authority action
§15-16-32 Emergency rule making
§15-16-33 to §15-16-39 (Reserved)
Subchapter 4 Declaratory Rulings (Click here)
§15-16-40 Petition
§15-16-41 Submission of petition
§15-16-42 Rejection of petition
§15-16-43 Refusal to issue declaratory ruling
§15-16-44 Referral to other agencies
§15-16-45 Notification of petitioner
§15-16-46 Status of orders
§15-16-47 Time limit
§15-16-48 and §15-16-50 (Reserved)
Subchapter 5 Zoning Variance (Click here)
§15-16-51 Informal discussion
§15-16-52 Application
§15-16-53 Fee
§15-16-54 Executive director's report
§15-16-55 Hearing
§15-16-56 Decision
§15-16-57 Examination of evidence
§15-16-58 Orders
§15-16-59 Variance term
§15-16-60 to §15-16-65 (Reserved)
Subchapter 6 Variance Reconsideration (Click here)
§15-16-66 Types of reconsideration
§15-16-67 Petition
§15-16-68 Executive director's action
§15-16-69 Authority action
§15-16-70 Reconsideration
§15-16-71 Changed conditions or non-compliance
§15-16-72 to §15-16-75 (Reserved)
Subchapter 7 Appeal From Actions Of The Executive Director (Click here)
§15-16-76 Application
§15-16-77 Appeal deadline
§15-16-78 Executive director's action
§15-16-79 Hearing
§15-16-80 Consultation by authority members prohibited
§15-16-81 Decision
§15-16-82 Order
§15-16-83 to §15-16-89 (Reserved)
Subchapter 8 Administrative Procedures And Penalties Relating To Violations Of Mauka And Makai Area Rules (Click here)
§15-16-90 Applicability
§15-16-91 Definitions
§15-16-92 Issuance of notice of violation and citation
§15-16-93 Time period for compliance
§15-16-94 Administrative fines
§15-16-95 Right to appeal
§15-16-96 Right to apply for variance
§15-16-97 Other legal remedies
§15-16-98 Administrative costs
Historical Note: This chapter is based substantially upon General Rules and Procedures of the Hawaii Community Development Authority. [Eff 11/20/77; R 6/25/81]

� 2000 State of Hawaii - Hawaii Community Development Authority.
All Rights Reserved.

677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 1001, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 587-2870 Fax: (808) 587-8150