
Subchapter 1 General Provisions
§15-20-1 Purpose. The authority finds
that the construction and installation of certain public facilities are
necessary and desirable to facilitate the renewal and redevelopment of
community development districts. The purpose of these rules is to
establish improvement districts for the implementation of those public
facilities identified in the authority's district-wide improvement program
and to set forth the assessment to be charged the real property in the
district specially benefiting from the public facilities. [Eff 9/3/85]
(Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-6) (Imp: §§206E-4,
§15-20-2 Definitions. As used in these
rules, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings
unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning or intent:
"Assessment area" means the areas of the properties deemed to
specially benefit from a particular improvement with the improvement district;
"Assessment area district" means the properties deemed to specially
benefit from a particular improvement within the improvement district;
"General benefits" mean those benefits flowing to the general
public as a result of any improvement;
"Improvement district" means the area in which the improvements
are to be constructed;
"Special benefits" mean those benefits resulting from the improvements,
above and beyond the general benefits, which increase the market value
of the property. [Eff 9/3/85] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-6) (Imp: §§206E-4, 206E-6)
§15-20-3 to §15-20-20 (Reserved)

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