Chapter 206E, Hawaii Revised Statutes, mandates that �. . . Public facilities
within the district shall be planned, located and developed so as to support
the redevelopment policies for the district . . . .� Therefore, to
implement the redevelopment policies of the Makai Area Plan, a broad range
of public facilities will be necessary.
The public facilities necessary to implement the redevelopment policies
of the Makai Area Plan are detailed in the Transportation Systems, Urban
Design and Infrastructure sections of the Plan. Public facilities
by definition include streets, utility and service corridors, utility lines,
sites for schools, parks, parking garage, sidewalks, pedestrianways, community
facilities, public highways, storm drainage systems, water systems, street
lighting systems, off-street parking facilities and sanitary sewerage systems.
The Public Facilities Plan anticipates providing for such public facilities
through the following means:
� The district-wide improvement or �Improvement District� program.
The Improvement District program provides a method whereby public facilities
development costs are shared among government, private property owners,
and public utilities that receive special benefits from such public facilities.
This funding mechanism may be used for all public facilities, although
its focus has traditionally been on transportation systems and infrastructure.
� Government-funded construction of public facilities.
Direct funding of certain public facilities by government can be provided
through several means including the State of Hawaii�s Capital Improvement
Program, public facilities revenue bonds issued by HCDA, and/or rental
revenues generated through property leasing by HCDA. These funding
mechanisms are intended to provide for major parks and public activity
areas, and other public facilities that generate direct revenues to support
bond financing.
� Assessment of developers for the costs of certain public facilities
that have a direct relationship or benefit to such new development.
Chapter 206E-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, mandates that �. . . The authority
shall establish rules requiring dedication for public facilities of land
or facilities, or cash payments in lieu thereof, by developers as a condition
of development . . . .� This funding mechanism is intended to provide
for public facilities needs that are generated by new development as established
by the policies of the Makai Area Plan. These public facilities may
include certain improvements to parks, public plazas and walkways, public
activity areas and public parking.
� Private development of public facilities through development rules
and incentives. Development rules and incentives that provide
for certain public facilities include provisions regulating urban design,
public open space and activity areas, arcades and pedestrianways.
In order to achieve the objectives of the Public Facilities Plan, the
redevelopment policies of the Makai Area Plan as detailed in the Transportation
Systems, Urban Design and Infrastructure sections and the means discussed
above to provide for public facilities shall serve as a guide for implementation
of the Public Facilities Plan. All agencies of the State of Hawaii
or county shall consult with the Authority at the project planning stage
prior to the construction, renovation or improvement of any public facility
within the Makai Area.