
Relocation Plan
The extent of the Mauka Area redevelopment called for by Chapter 206E, HRS, will require construction of additional public facilities and utilities as well as the redevelopment of land uses. Therefore, a certain degree of relocation, whether temporary or permanent, is necessary to facilitate such renewal.
Relocation is defined as a move, resulting from a publicly caused displacement, and re-establishment of the displaced household or business at a new location. Relocation can be a direct or indirect consequence of displacement. Displacement is any direct or indirect action, public or private, which forces households or businesses to move as a result of the acquisition, or imminence of acquisition, of real property. It may be either temporary or permanent.
In temporary displacement, the households or businesses may return to the neighborhood or the Mauka Area after revitalization is completed. Households or businesses permanently displaced, although desiring to do so, may not return to their original sites.
Displacement results from two major causes: (l) public actions such as the construction of public facilities such as streets, housing, parks and parking garages and other infrastructure systems; and (2) private actions, independently made, or induced by public planning decisions. Privately caused displacements may result from private demolition and new construction, private rehabilitation projects, and evictions due to rising market prices and rents.
Residents and businesses facing relocation may not want to move not only because of the attendant inconveniences, but also because current relocation programs often do not adequately reduce the adverse physical and social impacts and loss of revenues that accompany it.
Relocation Proposals
As used in this plan, relocation refers primarily to displacement resulting from government-initiated projects. Households and businesses displaced by private sector actions, however, shall receive certain public assistance services short of monetary payments.
It is the intent of the Authority to provide meaningful relocation assistance for all persons and businesses displaced due to public action. Towards this end, the Authority shall be guided by the following principles:
a. To phase redevelopment to minimize disruptions.
b. To ensure that families and businesses are, to the extent
practicable, properly relocated before permitting their
displacement by new development, redevelopment, or
neighborhood rehabilitation.
c. To return as many persons displaced by government actions
back to the Mauka Area.
d. To provide opportunities for persons displaced by government
action to avoid major financial loss.
e. To minimize or ameliorate any serious negative impacts of
displacees, such as loss of employment or business, imminent
loss of shelter, and monetary losses.
f. To provide counseling, information and referral services to
displacees affected by private sector actions, induced or
stimulated by governmental planning decisions.
Relocation assistance includes providing financial benefits and relocation services to households and businesses displaced as a result of public acquisition of real property for public improvement or purposes.
Toward this end, it is proposed that the payments provided to displaced persons reflect amounts necessary to meet reasonable relocation expenditures.
It is further proposed that displaced businesses be provided relocation payments that adequately reflect the cost of displacement. The proposed assistance to displaced businesses would, for example, help pay for the higher rents or purchase prices at new locations and would be in keeping with the intent of public policy to provide an equitable treatment of displacees.
Equitable relocation assistance payments to displaced persons, facilities, and businesses shall be established. Such assistance may include, but is not limited to, payments to displacees for moving costs, a dislocation allowance, replacement payments to owner-occupants who purchase, rent subsidy to owner-occupants, replacement payments to tenant-occupants who purchase or rent, and replacement housing subsidy for tenants.
Every effort shall be made to provide displacees of households and businesses resulting from public acquisition with comparable replacement facilities at reasonable rates. Procedures shall be instituted to identify potential displacees at an early stage of redevelopment in the Mauka Area.
The Authority shall seek to establish temporary relocation facilities for displaced businesses until they can be re-established in their prior or substitute location within the Mauka Area. The presently under utilized State property in the area of Pier 2 across Ala Moana Boulevard from the Mauka Area would provide an ideal relocation site. This improved property contains large unoccupied warehouse structures that appear adaptable for industrial use. A portion of this property would serve as a convenient temporary relocation site without necessitating the acquisition of additional land.
In view of the complexity, scope, and time period involved in the redevelopment of the Mauka Area, the Authority shall direct and oversee all relocation services within the Mauka Area. Among the functions to be performed by the Authority's relocation assistance office are the following:
- Assistance to State and County displacing agencies in the development and implementation of relocation assistance programs for specific public improvement projects.
- Advisory services to displacees of government actions, such as information on Federal and State programs, loans, and other benefits; handling appeals; personal contact with each displaced person; and assistance in finding replacement sites and in actual relocation.
- Coordination of relocation activities with other project activities and other planned or proposed City and State agency actions within the community or nearby areas.
- Advisory services to displacees of private sector actions, or to persons or business concerns occupying property adjacent to any property acquired for public improvement and are caused substantial economic injury because of the public improvement.
The Authority shall establish rules to implement these policies.

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677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 1001, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 587-2870 Fax: (808) 587-8150