Public Facilities Plan
Chapter 206E, HRS, mandates that "...Public facilities within the district shall be planned, located, and developed so as to support the redevelopment policies for the district..." Therefore, in the redevelopment of the Mauka Area, the full array of public facilities needed to support development will be provided.
"Public facilities" includes streets, utility and service corridors, and utility lines sufficient to adequately service development improvements. It also includes sites for schools, parks, parking garages, sidewalks, pedestrianways, bikeways, and other community services normally provided by the public sector.
This section of the plan addresses public facilities and services relating to health, safety, education, and welfare of the community population. Information concerning public facilities is also discussed in the sections dealing with Transportation, Utilities, Housing and Housing Support Facilities, Open Space and Recreation, and Social and Safety.
Public facilities addressed in this section include schools, day care centers, health care facilities, police and fire protection, and other services.
Public Facilities Proposals
Generally, the provision of public facilities is responsive to increases in residential population. Furthermore, the location of new public facilities should be based upon adequate access for residents.
It is a policy of this plan that public facilities be located on sites which will be convenient for the people they are intended to serve and be designed to meet the needs of the population. Whenever compatible, different types of public facilities will be located in such a way as to enhance the convenience to the public and to reduce the costs. For example, community centers, day care centers, and recreation and elderly facilities can be combined with parking facilities. Similarly, services such as postal, social, clinical, and governmental functions may be combined.
The need for public facilities is based upon population/facility requirement standards. For additional details, refer to the Transportation, Utilities, Housing and Housing Support Facilities and Open Space and Recreation sections of the plan.
As an example, this plan provides for the future development of day care centers in conjunction with the development of residential, commercial and industrial activities in the Mauka Area. Such day care centers will be developed by both the public and private sectors. The day care centers will be primarily located in residential emphasis areas. Within mixed-use developments they will be located primarily on the deck level, where open space and recreation for children are provided. The day care centers may provide services to families living on or near the mixed-use developments.
New schools will open as increases in the school age population increases to a level which warrants additional school facilities. Current school facilities in proximity to the Mauka Area are adequate to accommodate some increase in the school age population.
For the longer range, school age population estimates indicate that two elementary schools will be necessary. This number is based on the number of elementary age students who are expected to attend public school. Based on the anticipated number of housing units in the Mauka Area, a total residential population of 47,500 would result. Of this total, approximately 2,200 persons would be of elementary school age.
The first school may be located in the vicinity of the present Pohukaina Elementary School. As the residential population in the Mauka Area increases, new elementary schools shall be provided as the need arises. The schools shall be integrated with a public park proposed in the same area. One of the schools may be located and could share the grounds of the present Kapiolani Community College site should there be a reduction in the activities of the college. Kapiolani Community College which teaches trades would be needed and is beneficial within the Mauka Area for the present and future business and industrial activities. Every effort should be made to retain the kind of activities offered by the Kapiolani Community College.
Additional police and fire protection services for the projected population are not expected to be required. Additional major health care services such as hospitals and clinics are also not expected to be required. But minor health facilities such as doctors and dental offices are allowed in proximity to residents.
Public Facilities Plan Provisions
In order to achieve the objectives of the public facilities section, adequate public facilities in the Mauka Area will be provided by the following means:
- Public construction of new public facilities especially in conjunction with the phasing of the District-Wide Improvement Program;
- Improvement or modification of existing public facilities to meet increased needs;
- Private development and dedication of public facilities in response to publicly provided incentives which may include development allowances for extra height or floor area; and
- Assessment of the private sector for the costs of public facilities which benefit private sector developments, such as recreational facilities on the roof or within public parking garages.
All agencies of the State or City shall consult with the Authority at the project planning stage prior to the construction, renovation, or improvement of any public facility within the Mauka Area.
Maps and other exhibits in this plan showing existing and future public facilities provide public notice of the approximate locations of such public facilities within the Mauka Area. These maps and exhibits shall serve as a guide for the Authority and all agencies of the City and State in the development of future public facilities within the Mauka Area.

� 2000 State of Hawaii - Hawaii Community Development Authority.
All Rights Reserved.

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Tel: (808) 587-2870 Fax: (808) 587-8150