
Subchapter 5 Special Urban Design Rules
§15-22-140 Statement of purposes. The
purpose of this subchapter is to strengthen the relationship of developments
within the district and to improve the quality of the streetscape by maintaining
the visual quality of the street, by providing for street tree planting
and general landscaping, by requiring certain pedestrian amenities to improve
the quality of the street environment, by providing building orientation
guidelines to take into account natural ventilation and sun exposure, and
by reducing conflict between pedestrian and vehicular circulation.
[Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, comp 2/24/90] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7)
Historical note: §15-22-140 is based substantially upon §15-17-161.
[Eff 2/27/82; R 9/8/86]
§15-22-141 Applicability. This subchapter
shall apply to any development located on any development lot within the
mauka area and constructed after February 27, 1982, except alterations
to nonconforming structures, public improvements and conditional use of
vacant land. [Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, am and comp 2/24/90] (Auth:
HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-5, 206E-7)
Historical note: §15-22-141 is based substantially upon §15-17-162.
[Eff 2/27/82; R 9/8/86]
§15-22-142 Streetscapes. (a) Curb
cuts are permitted only upon approval by the executive director.
In his review, the executive director shall find that the curb cut will
not result in conflict between pedestrian and vehicular circulation and
will result in a good, overall site plan. An application to the executive
director for any curb cut shall be accompanied by a site plan showing the
size and location of the proposed curb cut.
(b) All new developments shall provide facilities for central
trash storage within the development lot. Where trash storage facilities
are provided outside of a building, the facilities shall be screened by
an enclosure constructed of materials compatible with the materials of
the front building wall of the development. In all cases, there shall
be provided an area for central trash collection. Such area shall
be ventilated.
(c) All new developments shall provide street furniture.
(1) Benches shall be provided for resting places along pedestrianways
at appropriate locations; one eight-foot bench shall be located in an area
receiving shade adjacent to or near a public sidewalk on every planned
development project, said benches shall be positioned to serve general
pedestrian traffic;
(2) Bus stop shelters shall be provided for bus commuters where bus
stops are located. [Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, comp 2/24/90, am 12/15/94]
(Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-5, 206E-7)
Historical note: §15-22-142 is based substantially upon §15-17-163.
[Eff 2/27/82; am 1/21/83; am 5/11/85; R 9/8/86]
§15-22-143 Building orientation, tower spacing,
and circulation. (a) Building orientation shall be determined
based on height.
(1) Up to forty-five feet in height, the long axis of structures shall
be oriented, to the extent practicable, between twenty-five degrees and
fifty-five degrees east of south to maximize the ventilation effect of
prevailing winds.
(2) Above the forty-five foot level, the long axis of structures shall
be oriented, to the extent practicable, between thirty-five degrees and
sixty-five degrees west of south to minimize exposing the long side to
direct sunlight.
(b) Spacing between building towers shall be based upon the tower
location on the development lot and distances between neighboring towers.
To the extent practicable, tower spacing shall be as follows:
(1) At least 300 feet between the long parallel sides of neighboring
towers; and
(2) At least 200 feet between the short side of towers.
(c) Building design and siting shall be such that shadow effects
on neighboring buildings shall be minimized. Residential uses, to
the extent practicable, shall have direct access to sunlight.
(d) Public or private mid-block pedestrian or bicycle circulation
paths, or both, may be required to be created and maintained in conjunction
with planned developments. The developer of a planned development
may be required to dedicate to the authority a perpetual public easement
for pedestrianways, the appropriate width and location to be as determined
by the authority. [Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, am and comp 2/24/90,
am 3/27/97] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp:
HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7
Historical note: §15-22-143 is based substantially upon §15-17-163.
[Eff 2/27/82; am 1/21/83; am 5/11/85; R 9/8/86]
§15-22-144 Landscaping. (a) All
required yards shall be landscaped.
(b) All development applicants shall provide street trees within
the public right-of-way or the front yard setback area along all street
frontages. Trees shall be planted in a linear pattern parallel to
the street and shall be a minimum four and one-half inch caliper, except
coconut palms which shall have a minimum trunk height of fifteen feet.
(c) Trees required within the front yard area shall be located
to shade the adjacent sidewalk. All trees shall be located so that
the streetside edge of the trunk is three feet from the edge of the public
(d) Along major streets, tree species, spacing, and location
shall be in accordance with the following table, except that alternate
species, especially native Hawaiian or species long present and common
to the Hawaiian Islands, including useful fruit-bearing and flowering varieties,
may be substituted.
Ala Moana Blvd.
Coconut Palm
3 palms min. per 100 ft.
Front Yard Setback
street frontage
Cooke Street
True Kou
35 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Halekauwila Street
Royal Poinciana
40 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Kamakee Street
Silver Buttonwood
40 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Kapiolani Blvd.
50 ft. on center
King Street
Rainbow Shower
45 ft. on center
Pensacola Street
(from King to
Royal Poinciana
40 ft. on center
Piikoi Street
Rainbow Shower or
Spotted Fig
45 ft. on center
Pohukaina/Auahi Street
Madagascar Olive
40 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Punchbowl Street
50 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Queen Street
(from Punchbowl
to Kamakee)
Royal Poinciana/
1 Royal Poinciana &
Front Yard Setback
Coconut Palm
3 Coconut Palms per
100 ft. street frontage
Queen Street
(from Kamakee to
Royal Poinciana
40 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
South Street
40 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Waimanu Street
(from Queen
to Piikoi)
Royal Poinciana
40 ft. on center
Front Yard Setback
Ward Avenue
(from King to
Royal Poinciana/
1 Royal Poinciana &
Coconut Palm
3 Coconut Palms per
100 ft. street frontage
Ward Avenue
(from Kapiolani
to Ala Moana)
Rainbow Shower
45 ft. on center
(e) The planting, removal, and maintenance of street trees within
the public right-of-way fronting any development lot shall be subject to
the approval of the department of parks and recreation, city and county
of Honolulu.
(f) The planting, removal, and maintenance of trees within the
front yard setback area of any development lot or nonconforming property
shall be subject to the approval of the executive director. Any tree
six inches or greater in trunk diameter shall not be removed except under
the following conditions:
(1) There are no alternatives to removal to achieve appropriate development
on the site;
(2) The tree is a hazard to public safety or welfare;
(3) The tree is dead, diseased, or otherwise irretrievably damaged;
(4) The applicant can demonstrate that the tree is unnecessary due
to overcrowding of vegetation.
Where possible, trees proposed for removal shall be relocated to another
area of the project site. No person shall injure or destroy any tree
in any manner or by any means except where removal is necessary as cited
by the above conditions. Property owners shall be responsible for
ensuring that all trees within the front yard setback area are properly
maintained and do not cause any hazard to public safety or welfare.
(g) Street trees which die within five years of planting shall
be replaced by the party responsible for their maintenance.
(h) Local street system tree species and location shall be subject
to the approval of the executive director in consultation with the director
of parks and recreation, city and county of Honolulu.
(i) Planting strips, if provided between the curb and sidewalk,
shall be landscaped and provided with an irrigation system. Planting
in these areas, except trees, shall not exceed thirty inches in height
and shall be grass where adjacent curbside parking is permitted.
(j) Sidewalk materials shall conform to the city and county of
Honolulu standards for a minimum of seventy-five per cent of the required
sidewalk area. The total sidewalk pattern and the material of the
twenty-five per cent area shall be subject to the approval of the executive
director. The executive director, in consultation with the chief
engineer of the department of public works, city and county of Honolulu,
may allow exceptions to the city and county standard paving.
(k) Within private open space areas visible from street frontages,
trees, shrubs, or ground cover plant material in the ground or in planters
are required.
(l) If there is any change in elevation from the sidewalk to
the grade level private open space area, such change shall be no greater
than four feet.
(m) Parking areas, open storage areas, and work areas provided
at ground level facing the street shall be screened with plant material
or other architectural treatment. [Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, comp
2/24/90, am 12/15/94, am 8/16/99, am 1/13/00] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7)
Historical note: §15-22-144 is based substantially upon §15-17-164.
[Eff 2/27/82; am 1/21/83; R 9/8/86]
§15-22-145 Modification of urban design requirements.
The authority, in the case of planned developments, or executive director,
in the case of base zone developments, may allow modifications to the requirements
of this subchapter. Modifications will be allowed if a finding is
made that the modifications will enhance the design and quality of the
development, or will not adversely affect the overall intent of this chapter
and the mauka area plan. [Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, am and comp 2/24/90]
(Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-5, 206E-7)
Historical note: §15-22-145 is based substantially upon §15-17-165.
[Eff 2/27/82; am 1/21/83; R 9/8/86]
§15-22-146 to §15-22-159 (Reserved)

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