
Subchapter 3 Residential Relocation
§15-24-28 Optional relocation payments for displaced
persons - individuals and families. (a) In the case of
a self-move, the displacee may be paid an amount negotiated between the
displacing governmental agency and the displacee not to exceed the lower
of two firm bids or estimates obtained by the displacing governmental agency.
(b) In lieu of the payment authorized by §15-24-4, a displaced
individual or family may elect to receive a moving expense allowance, not
to exceed $200, plus a dislocation allowance of $100.
(1) The moving expense allowance shall be determined according
to the schedules shown in table 1, fixed payment moving cost schedules.
Subschedule A applies to any eligible residential displacee who occupies
and provides all or most of the furnishings for the dwelling unit from
which the displacee is being displaced. Subschedule B applies to
tenants who occupy furnished dwelling units (i.e., furnishings are provided
by the landlord). In either case, the total fixed schedule payment
including both rooms and dislocation allowance cannot exceed $300.
(2) Basements, enclosed porches, attics, separate sheds, and
other storage areas of this type can qualify as compensable rooms provided
that the areas contain furniture, appliances, or other personal property
reasonably equivalent to a routinely furnished room. Bathrooms, hallways,
and closets do not qualify and shall not be counted as separate rooms.
(3) If the eligible displacee is conducting a hobby-type or part-time
business operation on the residential property, the residential fixed schedule
moving cost payment shall include the cost of moving all personal property
involved - both residential and business - and no other moving cost payment
will be authorized. A displacee involved in a "full-time" business
is entitled to a separate business moving cost payment.
SUBSCHEDULE A: Furnishings Owned by Displacee - Including Partly
Furnished Units
8 or
Room Rooms
Rooms Rooms
Rooms Rooms
Rooms Rooms
Plus $100 Dislocation Allowance
Maximum payment authorized $300 ($200 moving costs plus $100 dislocation
SUBSCHEDULE B: Furnishings Owned by Landlord - Fully Furnished
Units and Sleeping Rooms
Each additional room
$10; but not to exceed $200
Plus $100 Dislocation Allowance
Maximum payment authorized $300
[Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5) (Imp:
HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-28 is based substantially upon §15-18-3.
[Eff 9/22/84; am 5/11/85; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-29 Replacement housing payment. (a)
In addition to other payments authorized herein, individuals and families
displaced by a governmental agency are entitled to supplementary payments
in accordance with this section.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "dwelling" also
includes a condominium or cooperative apartment.
(c) Application for supplementary payment shall be on a form
provided by the authority and shall be filed with the displacing governmental
agency no later than eighteen months after the date on which the displaced
individual or family was required to vacate the dwelling taken for the
project, or six months after final adjudication of condemnation case, whichever
is later.
(d) The payments described in this section shall be made directly
to the lessor for rent or to the seller for application on payment for
a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling. Upon specific request in the
application, the displacing governmental agency may make payments into
escrow prior to the displaced person's moving.
(e) Prior to any payment, the displacing governmental agency
shall cause the proposed replacement dwelling to be inspected to ascertain
that it meets the standards established herein for decent, safe, and sanitary
(f) A replacement housing payment can be computed and paid to
a property owner in advance if the determination of the acquisition price
will be delayed pending the outcome of condemnation proceedings.
A provisional replacement housing payment shall be calculated by deeming
the displacing governmental agency's maximum offer for the property as
the acquisition price. Payment of the amount may be made upon the
owner-occupant's agreement that:
(1) Upon final determination of the condemnation proceeding the
replacement housing payment shall be recomputed using the acquisition price
determined by the court as compared to the average price required to acquire
a comparable, decent, safe and sanitary dwelling; and
(2) If the amount awarded in the condemnation proceeding as the
fair market value of the property acquired together with the amount of
the provisional replacement housing payment exceed the cost of an average
comparable dwelling, the property owner shall refund to the displacing
governmental agency from the judgment, an amount equal to the amount of
the excess. However, in no event shall the owner be required to refund
more than the total amount of the replacement housing payment advanced.
If the property owner does not agree to such adjustment, the replacement
housing payment shall be deferred until the case is finally adjudicated
and computed on the basis of the final determination, using the award as
the acquisition price.
(g) Any eligible person who obtains legal ownership of a replacement
dwelling before being displaced and occupies the replacement dwelling within
one year from the date the person is required to move is eligible for the
replacement housing payment if the dwelling meets the requirements of §15-24-36
or is improved to meet those requirements within the one-year period.
(h) If two or more eligible displaced persons occupy the same
dwelling unit, they should be treated as a single unit in computing the
amount of the replacement housing payment due. In order to receive
payment, the displaced persons shall not be required to relocate together
but all relocatees shall move to decent, safe and sanitary housing.
The payment shall be made to them jointly with the apportionment to be
made by the relocatees.
(i) Where displaced individuals or families occupy living quarters
on the same premises as a displaced business, the individuals or families
shall be considered a single unit but separate from the displaced business
for purposes of determining entitlement to relocation payments.
(j) The person who establishes the estimate of value of replacement
housing payment shall not negotiate for the parcel nor deliver the payment
to the displaced person. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-29 is based substantially upon §15-18-8.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-30 Replacement housing payment to a one-year
owner-occupant who purchases housing. (a) A displaced owner-occupant
of a one-, two- or three-family dwelling acquired by any governmental agency
shall be eligible for a replacement housing payment; provided that the
dwelling was actually and lawfully occupied by the owner-occupant for not
less than one year prior to the first written offer for the acquisition
of the property. The payment, not to exceed $5,000, shall be the
amount, if any, which when added to the acquisition payment, equals the
average price required for a comparable dwelling. The payment shall
be made only to a displaced owner who purchases and occupies a dwelling
within one year subsequent to the date on which the owner is required to
move from the dwelling on the real property acquired for public purposes.
(b) The average price of a comparable dwelling shall be established
by one of the following methods:
(1) The displacing governmental agency may determine the average
price of a comparable dwelling by having a qualified appraiser who is familiar
with real property values and real estate transactions select at least
three comparable dwellings.
(2) In lieu of the above method, the displacing governmental
agency may perform a locality-wide study to develop the probable average
selling price of various classes of dwelling units available on the market.
In order to assure the greatest comparability of dwellings in any locality-wide
study to the dwelling being acquired, the study shall be divided into classifications
as to the type of construction, number of rooms and price ranges.
Adequate classifications shall be established so that the average prices
derived therefrom will provide a meaningful and proper basis for establishing
a schedule of fixed payments to owner-occupants.
(c) Where it is not possible to establish the average price of
a comparable dwelling by the methods set forth in subsection (b) above,
one of the following methods in the order listed shall be acceptable.
(1) If other housing is available in the area that is comparable
except that it is not decent, safe and sanitary, the supplementary payment
may be determined by estimating the cost to correct the deficiencies, adding
this amount to the selling price of the replacement housing which is not
decent, safe and sanitary, and comparing this amount with the amount paid
the relocatee for the dwelling on an area of land typical in size for a
homesite in the general area.
(2) When there is no other housing available in the area and
the owner elects to retain and move the dwelling which is not decent, safe
and sanitary, the replacement housing payment may be determined by estimating
the amount paid for the dwelling at the present location on an area of
land typical in size for a homesite in the general area and deducting this
amount from the estimated selling price of the dwelling, corrected to decent,
safe and sanitary standards on a comparable site.
(3) Where there is no housing available for comparison and the
owner elects to retain and move a decent, safe and sanitary dwelling, the
replacement housing payment may be determined by estimating the amount
paid for the dwelling at the present location on an area of land typical
in size for a homesite in the general area and deducting this amount from
the estimated selling price of the dwelling relocated to a comparable homesite.
(4) In the event the cost of replacement housing determined by
paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above exceeds the acquisition cost, plus the
$5,000 replacement housing limit, the replacement housing payment may be
determined by estimating the amount paid for the dwelling at the present
location on an area of land typical in size for a homesite in the general
area and deducting this amount from the estimated selling price of a new
comparable, decent, safe and sanitary dwelling on a comparable homesite.
(d) If an owner-occupant is otherwise qualified for a payment
under this section but has previously received a payment under §15-24-31,
the amount of such payment received shall be deducted from the amount to
which the owner-occupant is entitled under this section. In no event
may the combined payments exceed $5,000. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth:
HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4,
Historical Note: §15-24-30 is based substantially upon §15-18-9.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-31 Replacement housing payment to owner-occupants
who rent. (a) A displaced owner-occupant of a one-, two-
or three-family dwelling acquired by any governmental agency who elects
to rent shall be eligible for a replacement housing payment; provided that
the dwelling was actually and lawfully occupied by the owner-occupant for
not less than one year prior to the first written offer for acquisition
of the property; and provided further that the owner-occupant has rented
a comparable dwelling not later than one year subsequent to the date on
which the owner-occupant was required to move.
(b) The payment shall be equal to the difference, if any, between
the cost of renting a comparable dwelling for the next two years and twelve
per cent of the acquisition price of the property taken, not to exceed
$1,500. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
(Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-31 is based substantially upon §15-18-10.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-32 Replacement housing payment to owner-occupants
for less than one year but not less than ninety days who purchase. (a)
A displaced owner-occupant of a one-, two-, or three-family dwelling acquired
by any governmental agency, who does not qualify for a replacement housing
payment under §15-24-30 shall be eligible for a replacement housing
payment; provided that the dwelling was actually and lawfully occupied
by the owner-occupant for less than one year but not less than ninety days
prior to the first written offer for acquisition of the property; and provided
further that the owner-occupant purchases a comparable dwelling not later
than one year subsequent to the date on which the owner-occupant was required
to move.
(b) The payment, not to exceed $1,500, is the amount, if any,
which is necessary to make a down payment on a replacement dwelling.
The determination of the amount necessary for a down payment shall be based
on the amount a relocatee would have had to pay if the purchase of a comparable
dwelling was financed with a conventional loan. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth:
HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4,
Historical Note: §15-24-32 is based substantially upon §15-18-11.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-33 Replacement housing payment to owner-occupants
for less than one year but not less than ninety days who rent.
(a) A displaced owner-occupant of a one-, two- or three-family dwelling
acquired by any governmental agency who elects to rent shall be eligible
for a replacement housing payment; provided that the dwelling was actually
and lawfully occupied by the owner-occupant for less than one year but
not less than ninety days prior to the first written offer for acquisition
of the property; and provided further that the owner-occupant has rented
and occupied a decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling not later
than one year subsequent to the date on which the owner-occupant was required
to move from the dwelling unit taken.
(b) The payment, not to exceed $1,500, shall be equal to the
difference, if any, between the cost of renting a comparable dwelling for
the next two years and twelve per cent of the acquisition price of the
property taken. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-33 is based substantially upon §15-18-12.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-34 Replacement housing payment to tenant-occupants
and sleeping room occupants for not less than ninety days who rent.
(a) A displaced tenant of property acquired by any governmental agency
who elects to rent shall be eligible for a replacement housing payment;
provided that the tenant-occupant has been in occupancy for more than 90
days prior to the first written offer to purchase the dwelling, or if the
displaced tenant moves in "reasonable expectation" the tenant shall have
been in occupancy for more than 90 days prior to the date of the move;
and provided further that the tenant has rented and occupied a comparable
decent, safe and sanitary dwelling not later than one year subsequent to
the date on which the tenant was required to move.
(b) The payment, not to exceed $1,500, shall be determined by
subtracting from the actual amount necessary to rent a comparable dwelling
or room for the next two years the following amount:
(1) Twenty-four times the average monthly rental paid by the
relocated individual or family during the last six months if the rental
is reasonable, or the average rent, if reasonable, during the time of occupancy
if the occupancy is less than six months, prior to being required to move;
(2) If the rent is not reasonable, twenty-four times the economic
rent established by the displacing governmental agency for the dwelling
unit. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
(Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-34 is based substantially upon §15-18-13.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-35 Replacement housing payment to tenant-occupants
for not less than ninety days who purchase. (a) A displaced
tenant of property acquired by any governmental agency shall be eligible
for a replacement housing payment; provided that the tenant-occupant has
been in occupancy for more than 90 days prior to the first written offer
to purchase the property, or if the displaced tenant moves in "reasonable
expectation" the tenant shall have been in occupancy for more than 90 days
prior to the date of the move; and provided further that the tenant has
purchased and occupied a comparable dwelling not later than one year subsequent
to the date on which the tenant was required to move from the dwelling
unit acquired.
(b) The payment, not to exceed $1,500, shall be the amount necessary
to make a down payment on a comparable dwelling. Determination of
the amount necessary for the down payment shall be based on the amount
that the displaced tenant would have had to pay if the purchase of a comparable
dwelling was financed by a conventional loan.
(c) The full amount of the replacement housing payment shall
be applied to the down payment, including closing costs.
(d) If a tenant who otherwise qualifies for a payment under this
section has previously received a payment under §15-24-34, the amount
of the prior payment shall be deducted from the amount the tenant is otherwise
eligible for under this section. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-35 is based substantially upon §15-18-14.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-36 Decent, safe and sanitary housing.
(a) Decent, safe and sanitary housing shall be a dwelling which:
(1) Conforms with all applicable housing and occupancy codes;
(2) Has a kitchen area which contains a sink in good working
condition and connected to hot and cold water, a sewage disposal system,
a stove and refrigerator. When these facilities are not required
by local codes, ordinances, or custom, the kitchen area shall have utility
service connections and adequate space for the installation of these facilities;
(3) Has a bathroom, well lighted and ventilated and affording
privacy to a person within it, containing a lavatory, basin and a bathtub
or stall shower, properly connected to an adequate supply of hot and cold
running water, and a flush water closet, all in good working order and
properly connected to a sewage disposal system;
(4) Has provision for artificial lighting for each room;
(5) Is structurally sound, in good repair and adequately maintained;
(6) Each building used for dwelling purposes shall have two safe
unobstructed means of egress leading to safe open space at ground level.
Each dwelling unit in a multi-dwelling building shall have access either
directly or through a common corridor to two means of egress to open space
at ground level. In buildings of three stories or more, the common
corridor on each story shall have at least two means of egress; and
(7) Has one hundred fifty (150) square feet of habitable floor
space for the first occupant in a standard living unit and at least one
hundred (100) square feet of habitable floor space for each additional
occupant. The floor space is to be subdivided into sufficient rooms
to be adequate for the family. All rooms shall be adequately ventilated.
Habitable floor space is defined as that space used for sleeping, living,
cooking or dining purposes, and excludes enclosed places such as closets,
pantries, bath or toilet rooms, service rooms, connecting corridors, laundries,
and unfinished attics, foyers, storage spaces, cellars, utility rooms and
similar spaces.
(b) Sleeping rooms shall:
(1) Include the minimum requirements contained in paragraphs
(1), (4), (5), and (6) under subsection (a) above;
(2) Have at least one hundred (100) square feet of habitable
floor space for the first occupant and fifty (50) square feet of habitable
floor space for each additional occupant; and
(3) Lavatory and toilet facilities that provide privacy including
a door that can be locked if the facilities are separate from the room.
(c) The executive director may approve exceptions to the standards
but requests shall be limited to items and circumstances that are beyond
the reasonable control of the relocatee to adhere to the standards.
Approved exceptions shall not affect the computation of the replacement
housing payment. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-36 is based substantially upon §15-18-16.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§15-24-37 Assurance of availability of housing.
At least one hundred twenty days prior to any displacement, a displacing
governmental agency shall provide the following to the authority:
(1) A feasible method for the relocation of families and individuals
displaced from the property acquired; and
(2) Assurance that there are or are being provided in areas not
generally less desirable with regard to public utilities and public and
commercial facilities and at rents or prices within the financial means
of the families and individuals displaced, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings
equal in number to the number of displaced families and individuals and
available to the displaced families and individuals and reasonably accessible
to their places of employment. [Eff 2/11/91] (Auth: HRS §§206E-4,
206E-10.5) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-10.5)
Historical Note: §15-24-37 is based substantially upon §15-18-19.
[Eff 9/22/84; R 2/11/91]
§§15-24-38 to 15-24-40 Reserved.

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