Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Being Prepared on Proposed Revisions to the Mauka Area Plan & Rules
Over the past year, a
draft revised plan for Kaka‘ako’s Mauka Area was prepared with the help
and participation of the area’s stakeholders and the general
public. A supplemental environmental impact statement is being
prepared on the Draft Mauka Area Plan.
The draft plan would revise the current Mauka Area Plan by:
- Developing a pedestrian-friendly mixed-use district where people are able to work, live, shop and play in a neighborhood community. New developments would be mixed horizontally as well as vertically, while achieving the highest use of prime urban land.
Creating great places, including a network of green streets and pedestrian friendly environment.
Encouraging a mix of housing opportunities, including reserved housing units for gap group residents.
Allowing easy connections (pedestrian, bicycle, automobile and public transportation) and providing strong physical and visual Mauka-Makai connections.
Supporting the small lot, mixed-use pattern of Central Kaka‘ako.
Input from community meetings as well as individual meetings with Kaka‘ako District stakeholders helped the Hawaii Community Development Authority and project consultants PlanPacific, Inc. to prepare the draft plan.
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)
revisions and adjustments to the draft plan will be made through the
SEIS and public review process. Project consultant EDAW, Inc. is
preparing the SEIS, which will assess the proposed amendments to the
current Mauka Area Plan and Rules, particularly the proposed
transportation and urban design elements. An updated master plan will
ensure adequate roadways and utility systems capacity for all
development lots based on the proposed street plan and densities.
An SEIS Preparation Notice was published in the Office of Environmental Quality Control’s (OEQC) Environmental Notice on December 23, 2007. The 30-day comment period ended on January 22, 2008. EDAW, Inc. along with HCDA staff is in the process of preparing a Draft SEIS.
Notification of the Draft SEIS was published in the OEQC’s Environmental Notice on July 8, 2008. The 45-day comment period ended on August 22, 2008. HCDA , along with project consultants, will be reviewing and addressing all comment letters received during the 45-day comment period. All changes and revisions to the Draft SEIS will be indicated in the Final SEIS. It is anticipated that the Final SEIS will be completed by December 2008.
Project Time Line
Identifying Issues and
Presentation to the Authority: October 5, 2005
Advisory Committee Meeting: February 16, 2006
Advisory Committee Meeting: April 21, 2006
Central Kakaako Focus Group: June 6, 2006
Public Informational Meeting: June 13, 2006
Solicitation of Public Comments: June – July 2006
Presentation of Concept Plan and Feedback:
Presentation to the Authority: October 4, 2006
Advisory Committee Meeting: October 12, 2006
Central Kakaako Focus Group: November 14, 2006
Public Informational Meeting: December 12, 2006
Solicitation of Public Comments: Dec. 2006 – Jan. 2007
Development of Draft Mauka Area Plan:
Authority Workshop on the Draft Mauka Area Plan.
(Advisory and Small Focus Group Members invited to attend): May 25, 2007
Public Informational Meeting
(Presentation on Reserved Housing):
June 19, 2007
Authority Approves Assessment of
Draft Mauka Area Plan Pursuant to Chapter 343:
July 5, 2007
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
HCDA retains EDAW, Inc. to prepare SEIS pursuant
to Chapter 343, Hawaii Revised
September 2007
Publication of SEIS Preparation Notice
in The Environmental
December 23, 2007
SEIS Preparation Notice public comment
period: December
23, 2007 - January 22, 2008
Preparation of Draft SEIS February 2008 – May 2008
Publication of Draft SEIS in The Environmental
Notice July
8, 2008
End of Draft SEIS Comment
August 22, 2008
Preparation of the Final
August-December 2008