Document Actions

Agenda for November 14, 2007 CPAC Meeting



5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.


ROOM 304


*Actionable Items – Please Review and Be Prepared!



I.       Preliminary Business                                                     5:30 to 5:50 pm           

A.  Welcome                                                                                                              

B.   Meeting Overview                                                                                                  

C.   Introductions                                                                                                          

D.  Approval of October 25, 2007, Meeting Summary *                                                   

E.   Steering Committee Report and Recommendations                                                        

F.   Consent Agenda (see below)

1.   Adoption of Remaining CPAC Survey Results *                                                 

2.   Adoption of Leadership Roles and Committee Structure *                                  

3.   CPAC Approval to Present Regular CPAC Progress Reports to HCDA *          

G.   Update on Stakeholder Interview Ratio Question                                                       


II.  Presentations                                                                            5:50 to 7:00 pm

A.  Kamehameha  Schools                                                                                         

            Comments, Questions and Answers                                                           

B.   University of Hawaii                                                                                            

            Comments, Questions and Answers                                                           


III.  Consensus Building on Outstanding Organizational Issues     7:00 to 7:20 pm

  1. Any Remaining Consent Agenda Action *
  2. Voting Membership *    
  3. Other


IV.  New Business                                                                             7:20 to 7:30 pm

A.  HCDA Communications and Agenda Requests                                                       

B.   Other

C.   Next Steps                                                                                                            


V.  Next Meeting Date – December 4, 2007

      NOTE: As of January, 2008, CPAC Meetings are Recommended to be on the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month



CPAC Consent Agenda


1.         Adoption of Remaining CPAC Survey Results

            The CPAC Survey shows over 90% support for the following:


a.   Participating members may include any member of the general public who wishes to meaningfully participate as a working group member.  (94%)

b.   Participating members share a commitment to work together in the public interest for the good of the whole. (98%)


c.   Participating members regularly attend CPAC meetings to become informed on

      Kaka‘ako Makai planning issues. (94%)


Decision Making


d.   Participating members develop informed recommendations based on comprehensive evaluation of information and in consideration of public input. (98%)


Standing Committees


e.   Standing committees may be needed over time to facilitate the organization and operations of the CPAC. (98%)


These would include the present Steering, By Laws and Facilitator Selection Committee, a Nominations Committee, and any additional standing committees as required.


Special Purpose Committees


f.    Special Purpose Committees may be needed to assist the CPAC with research, expert consultations, and presentations on specific areas of interest as may be determined to be appropriate by the CPAC membership. (96%)


2.         Adoption of CPAC Operations Leadership Roles

            The Steering Committee recommends that the CPAC move forward on the following:

a.   Chairperson – to open and adjourn CPAC meetings, chair and work with the Steering Committee on meeting agendas and their other duties, and publicly represent the CPAC.

b.   1st and 2nd Vice Chairpersons – to assume the duties of the Chairperson in his/her  absence, and have any additional operational duties as the CPAC may designate.

c.   Secretary – to work with the Steering Committee to assure a correct and complete record of CPAC meetings and timely postings of meeting notices, agendas, attachments and summaries.


3.         CPAC Approval to Present Regular CPAC Progress Reports to HCDA






December Agenda

Proposed OHA Headquarters Project

Summary of Kaka`ako Makai Planning Studies and RFP History

            Consensus Building on Any Outstanding Organizational Issues


January Agenda

Kaka`ako Makai Ceded Lands Clarifications

                        OHA Trustee Stender and others (confirmed availability)

                        Morris Atta, DLNR Land Management Division (confirmed availability)

Kaka‘ako Shoreline Park Plan (The “People’s Plan”)

Develop the Vision for Kaka`ako Makai


Blue Bar

The meeting is open to the public.

White Bar

There is metered parking on Ilalo Street, which is free after 6pm. (So if you park there, you should only have to pay for a 1/2-hour or so.)  Please do not park in the Kaka’ako Waterfront Park parking lot.

Blue Bar

                        Location map for John A. Burns School of Medicine


(Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication are invited to contact Cal Machida, HCDA's ADA Compliance Coordinator, by phone at 587-2870, e-mail at [email protected], or by facsimile at 587-8150 at least 5 working days prior to the date required.)