Kalaeloa Entry-Way Beautification Project
"Kalaeloa Pride" Thrives
Volunteers Start Public Safety Improvements and Enhancement of the Main Entrance
Over 50 community volunteers on July 18, 2007 combined
their efforts to make public safety improvements and to beautify the
main entrance to Kalaeloa for the benefit and enjoyment of all
community users. The beautification project was spearheaded by
the Kalaeloa Community Network (KCN), which was organized in November
2006 as part of the Hawaii Community Development Authority’s (HCDA)
community outreach. The KCN consists of 21 Kalaeloa stakeholders
including landowners, business, elected officials and service
The beautification effort included the installation of landscaping (plants, mulch and rocks), the removal of unsightly graffiti and unused poles, painting and new signage. The KCN volunteers represented: the Barbers Point Naval Air Museum, Bendco, Hawaii Army National Guard, HCDA, Hunt Development Company, Kalaeloa Rental Homes, Kapolei High School, Senator Mike Gabbard’s office, Subway Barbers Point, U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Vets.
Project materials and services were donated by: Kapolei
High School students, Kalaeloa Rental Homes, Makakilo Nursery, Grace
Pacific, Soares Truck Rental/Quality Top Soil, Avalon Services,
American Tradition, Wesley Ward, and the State Department of
Transportation. Police officers from the Honolulu Police
Department District 8 were on hand to control traffic flow during the
Kalaeloa Director of Planning and Development Tesha Malama said, “We are very grateful and would like to thank all those involved with the beautification project for all the time, commitment, planning, funding, donations, sweat, and prayers that went into the project on July 18. The community of Kalaeloa and our neighbors will continue to "ALOHA" the place and focus the state's vision on building a "center for excellence" Wahi Ho'okela.”
Since the July effort, the street curbs have been painted for aesthetic and safety reasons, and a “Welcome to Kalaeloa” sign is on order for installation on the entrance rock wall.
Background on the Project
Members of the HCDA on June 6, 2007 approved spending up to $20,000 of Kalaeloa community development revolving funds to proceed with implementing the Kalaeloa Entry-Way Beautification Project fronting the intersection of Ft. Barrette Road and Roosevelt Avenue. The work will include ground preparation and the improvement of landscaping, and the installation of new signage and irrigation.
Among many quality of life issues such as public transportation for the Kalaeloa District, pedestrian traffic safety, deteriorating lands and facilities, the KCN workgroup is working to beautify the entry-way to Kalaeloa at the intersection of Ft. Barrette Road and Roosevelt Avenue. The beautification project design has been reviewed by the State Department of Transportation and has received the endorsement of KCN members. The Entry-Way Project represents a tangible commitment and coordination of varying stakeholders within Kalaeloa to invest their time, talent, sweat equity, and creativity behind a public improvement project which will bring value to all who utilize the area.