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Agenda for July 8, 2008 CPAC Meeting

Kaka'ako Makai Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC)
Meeting #15
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
John A. Burns School of Medicine, Room 301


*Actionable Items – Please Review Attachments and Be Prepared!


I.   Preliminary Business                                                                   5:30 to 5:40

      A.     Welcome
              Meeting Overview (Agenda and Ground Rules)

      B.     Introductions

      C.     Approval of June 10, 2008, Meeting Summary*

II.   Review, Deliberate, and Survey Guiding Principles for Kaka'ako Makai              5:40-6:50

       A.    Review Nominations and Theme Areas from June Guiding Principles Group
              and Individual Nomination Process

       B.    Orientation to Guiding Principles, definitions, examples, and process.

       C.    Individual Assessment of Guiding Principles

              Assess them in terms of several criteria:

                 --Do they express important community values or planning doctrines
                  that are relevant to Kaka’ako Makai?

                --Are they clearly stated?

                --Are they specific enough to guide plan development?

               Prepare to:

                  --Speak on one guiding principle topic.

                  --Speak for one minute

                  --Say why it is important to include.

       D.     Group Deliberation:                                                                        5:50-6:50

                a.  Speak from your own perspective (~1 minute)

                b.  Ask clarifying questions that help make the meaning or intention of various proposals clearer.

                c.   Begin to mark the Survey as you hear various points of view.

       E.     Develop a Condensed and Prioritized List of Guiding Principles      6:50-7:05

               a.   Complete the Survey

               b.   Turn it in at the end of the meeting to be compiled for
                     the next meeting.

       F.    Authorize CPAC Steering Committee to Compile Survey
              Results, Reorder, and Refine Guiding Principles from
              Survey Results for July 22 Meeting                                                   7:05-7:15

      G.    Preparation for the July 22 CPAC Meeting

             a.  Review Steering Committee Report based on Survey and Refining

             b.  Discuss Question about Guiding Principles

             c.  Discuss Differences on Guiding Principles

III.  New Business                                                                                7:15-7:25

      A.     Announcements

      B.     Additional instructions, information and comments

             1.   Review Meeting Summary and material for next meeting

             2.   Other

      C.   Steering Committee and other referrals

IV.       Next Meeting Dates                                                                        7:25-7:30

           1.  July Steering Committee Meeting – July 15

           2.  2nd July CPAC Meeting                 – July 22

Blue Bar

This meeting is open to the public. Metered parking on Ilalo Street, which you only pay until 6 p.m..  Other parking areas are next to the Children's Discovery Center.

Please do not park in the Kaka'ako Waterfront Park parking lot.

Blue Bar

                        Location map for John A. Burns School of Medicine


(Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication are invited to contact Cal Machida, HCDA's ADA Compliance Coordinator, by phone at 587-2870, e-mail at [email protected], or by facsimile at 587-8150 at least 5 working days prior to the date required.)

Ward Village Shops Project
Construction is continuing on the Ward Village Shops Project.
Ward Village Shops Construction Sept 2008