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Improvement District 4 - Kamakee Street Improvements

Kamakee id4

The Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) completed construction on the Improvement District 4 (ID-4)Project in late 1998. This project involved infrastructure improvements on Kamakee Street, between Kapiolani Boulevard and Queen Street. Similar in nature to the previous improvement district projects, ID-4 construction work included the installation of drainage, water, sewer, and roadway improvements, and the undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines.

Several new measures were employed in ID-4 to reduce the impacts to businesses and alleviate the consequences of construction noise, dust and difficult access on day-to-day operations. To assist ID-4 area businesses, the Authority allowed the deferral of assessments until six months after the completion of construction to assure property owners that construction work will be substantially completed before any assessments are collected. Construction activities were closely monitored and phased during ID-4 to minimize disruption to businesses. To the greatest extent possible, the more complicated work was concentrated on one segment and one side of the street at a time. Installing sidewalks and pavement on a block-by-block basis minimized dust in the area and allowed businesses partial use of the improvements while construction occurred. The HCDA worked with ID-4 area businesses, residents and permitting agencies to phase construction work during "non-standard" hours, generally between 12 noon and 9:30 p.m. on weekdays. By beginning construction work at mid-day, merchants are allowed to schedule their work accordingly and operate in a fairly normal fashion during the morning hours, without construction equipment on the roadways. The HCDA staff was present in the project area on a daily basis to serve as a liaison between the Authority and businesses, and to deal with problems on an individual basis. Through in-the-field and one-to-one contact, the HCDA was better able to keep merchants and residents informed of pending roadway and utility system improvements as they were scheduled to occur in the area.

Honolulu Fire Department Headquarters Complex
The City and County recently completed construction on a new $12.7 million Headquarters Complex for the Honolulu Fire Department on 1.603 acres of land at the intersection of Queen and South Streets.
Front of HFD Headquarters