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Vanguard Lofts--720 Kapiolani Boulevard Project

Vanguard Lofts Vanguard Lofts
Construction is on-going on this residential loft/commercial complex.

Vanguard Lofts construction July 2008Cooke Clayton LLC is continuing construction work on the Vanguard Lofts,  a project that involves an adaptive reuse of the former NCR Building into a commercial and residential loft complex.  The project site is bordered by Kapiolani Boulevard, Cooke Street, and Clayton Street and encompasses 41,033 square feet of land area on two parcels.  The Project will include about 4,000 square feet of commercial retail use at the ground floor of the existing NCR Building.  Thirty-five (35) residential loft units and 100 parking spaces will be developed in the remaining portions of the building and on an expansion of the Diamond Head portion of the site. Of the 35 units, about one-half will feature private rooftop lanais.  The developer expects to begin sales of the units in February 2008 after a sales office and model units are constructed in the building.  The broker for the project will be Karl Heyer of Heyer & Associates LLC. 

The Hawaii Community Development Authority on August 2, 2006 granted modifications from the Kaka‘ako Community Development District Mauka Area Rules and a Joint Development and Development Permit for  the proposed 720 Kapiolani Boulevard NCR Building Renovation Project.  Completion of the project is anticipated for February 2009.

The Project was processed as a Base Zone Development.  Base zone projects are limited to 45 feet in height and 1.5 FAR (floor area ratio).  As such, these projects are not subject to Planned Development requirements such as reserved housing.  The Project is consistent with the Mauka Area Plan and Rules with the exception of the height and rear yard setback.  The Project will encroach slightly into a 10-foot building setback on the property’s Mauka side and the developer is proposing to build 15 feet higher than the 45-foot height limit in order to match the height of the existing building that will be part of the new project.  The modifications granted by the Authority address these items.  A public hearing on the project was held on July 5, 2006.

NCR illustration Vanguard Lofts 1

Photos from Cooke Clayton LLC

Ahui/Ohe/Olomehani Streets Improvements--ID-12
Construction work is completed on the Improvement District 12 Project on Ahui, Ohe, and Olomehani Streets in the Kaka'ako Waterfront.
Ohe St. far  April 2007