Public Turns Out for June 19 Community Open House on Draft Mauka Plan
Planning for Tomorrow - Revisions to the Mauka Area Plan and Rules:

Over 100 people turned out to participate in a community open house held by the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) on June 19 to relate the proposed revisions to the draft Mauka Area Plan and to collect public input on reserved housing proposals that will be incoporated into the final Plan. The meeting was conducted in an open house format at the Ward Warehouse Kaka'ako meeting room from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Over the past year, HCDA has been working on a comprehensive review and revision of the plan and rules governing the Mauka portion of the Kaka‘ako District. With the participation and input from Kaka‘ako stakeholders, government agencies and the general public, HCDA completed a working draft of the Plan.
Developed with the principles of "Smarth Growth", the draft Plan envisions the development of pedestrian-friendly urban village neighborhoods in Kaka'ako, with a wide variety of transportation options to facilitate connections. The draft Mauka Area Plan is a working draft and will be circulated for public review and comments through a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) process and subsequent Administrative Rule making process pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes. It is anticipated that revisions and adjustments to this draft will be made through the SEIS and public review process.
The open house allowed the public to talk one-on-one with HCDA staff and planning consultants and to look at displays on the draft Plan and the Mauka Plan SEIS. A Power Point presentation on the draft Mauka Plan by HCDA planning consultant, PlanPacific was shown, and HCDA consultant John Kirkpatrick of Belt Collins Hawaii presented the proposed Reserved Housing Program revisions to the audience. The Reserved Housing Program is part of the Mauka Area Plan and will be included in the SEIS analysis. Following the presentation, the audience participated in a question and answer session.
- Click here for the Power Point presentation (pdf format) on the PROPOSED DRAFT MAUKA AREA PLAN (8.8 MB - may take some time to load).
- Click here for the Power Point presenation (pdf fomat) on the PROPOSED RESERVED HOUSING PROGRAM REVISIONS .
- PUBLIC COMMENTS on the Draft Mauka Area Plan & Proposed Reserved Housing Program (click here)

Following is a brief summary of the key concepts proposed in the draft Mauka Area Plan:
- Develop Urban Village Neighborhoods
- Create Great Places
- Make the Connections (pedestrian, bicycle, automobile, public transportation)
Land Use
The Mauka Area Plan proposes a mixed-use district where people are able to live, work, shop and recreate in a neighborhood community. Development projects are to be mixed horizontally as well as vertically, maximizing the highest use of prime urban land. Allowable uses include residential, commercial, industrial, community service and public uses.
Within the larger Kaka‘ako district, variations in existing land uses, building forms and land tenure patterns suggest the formation of several distinct neighborhoods. A strong neighborhood identity creates a sense of belonging and identity to the community. Seven neighborhoods are identified within the Kaka‘ako district.
Urban Design
The key urban design principles include:
- Outstanding pedestrian environment
- Creating a network of green streets
- Providing for maximum road connections
- Connecting pedestrian paths across major thoroughfares
- Making a strong Mauka-Makai linkage
- Supporting the small-lot, mixed-use pattern of Central Kaka‘ako
- Supporting Transit Oriented Development
Development Provisions
The development provisions for the Mauka Area have been developed through community input, computer modeling and urban form studies. It is anticipated that these provisions will be further assessed and alternatives considered through the SEIS process.
Density: Maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.5
Height: Three building elements:
- Street-front Element. Intent is to create a consistent street wall that defines the street. Proposed maximum height limit is 65-feet.
- Mid-height Element. The maximum height of a development is defined by view planes from shoreline parks looking toward the Koolau mountain range. Proposed maximum height ranges from 80-215 feet.
- Tower Element. The intent of a tower element is to provide for taller buildings and variations in the skyline while keeping a slender building profile. Proposed maximum height is to remain at 400 feet and proposed maximum footprint is reduced from 16,000 to 9,000 square feet. Heights are proposed to be reduced in sensitive key areas.
Parks, Open Space and Views
Strategies for meeting projected need:
- Use of vacant public land
- Shared use of public facilities
- Enhance pedestrian connections to nearby parks and campuses
- Private investment in open space and recreational facilities
A key objective of the Mauka Area Plan is to maintain Mauka-Makai views, open skies and transitions to adjacent areas by preserving view corridors and panoramic views to the Koolaus. View planes to the mountains shall be preserved through height limitations, reducing allowable tower footprints and a Mauka-Makai tower orientation. As with the development provisions, view corridor provisions will be assessed through the SEIS process.
A multi-modal transportation plan is proposed for the Kaka‘ako District. The revisions propose a hierarchy of streets that supports the full range of transportation modes: pedestrian, bicycle, transit and vehicular. "Hierarchy" is to include: boulevard, avenue, street (including promenade), service and alley. The objective is to enhance connectivity throughout the district and add connecting streets where possible to improve access within large development lots. The multi-modal transportation proposal will be fully assessed through the SEIS process.
WORKING DRAFT OF MAUKA AREA PLAN (4 MB--Will take some time to
July 5, 2007
Request Authority approval to initiate public review process based on
Draft Mauka Area Plan concepts The public review process includes
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (“SEIS”) and an
Administrative Rule Amendment process subject to Chapter 91, Hawaii
Revised Statutes.
July 2007
Assuming Authority approval, the process to revise the Mauka Area Rules will be initiated. The Mauka Area Administrative Rule making process will involve extensive community, stakeholder and governmental input.
Late July 2007
Initiate SEIS process with a scoping meeting. It is anticipated
that the SEIS process will take approximately one year to complete.